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How to wait until UNSAccountB is created?

I have Custom Target System and some groups with Account Definition published in IT Shop. When we requesting for, let we say, Group A then Account Definition is automatically added to Request. After granting two records in PersonWantsOrg will be inserted:

  1. one for Group A
  2. one for Account Def.

Request for Group A should be processed only after UNSAccountB object will be created. How to wait for UNSAccountB?

  • The inheritance calculation will wait until the account has been created and will then generate the new membership of the created account in group A. So there should be no need to wail unless you are not doing some stuf in custom process chains attached to ORDERGRANTED event of the request.
  • We have:

    1. two service items which represents groups Actuar and TechIn
    2. one service item for "Konto KoopInt" Acc. Def

    Actuar and TechIn depend on "Konto KoopInt" as "It is compulsory ..."

    When we request for Actuar automatically "Konto KoopInt" is added to request. UNSAccountB entry is created for "KoopInt" but there is NO assignement for Actuar in UNSAccountBInUNSGroupB.

    Below is overview

  • Please check that the flag IsGroupInheritance is set at the account.