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Error while Removing out of the box Active directory group from Manager

I want to remove out of the box Service Category "Active Directory Groups" from the Identity Manager web portal.While removing this item from Service Catalog in Manager, I am getting below error.

[1025012] Object (Active Directory Groups) could not be saved!
[810025] Service items: Write permission denied for value "Service category".
at VI.DB.Entities.PermissionsEntityColumnBase.<SetValueAsync>d__5.MoveNext()
at VI.DB.Entities.PermissionsEntityColumnBase._CheckCanEdit()

Please suggest!!!





  • Hi Tarigh,

    Thanks for your prompt response!!!

    I tested and it works.But can you please also let me know the impact of this change will only impact the visibility of the group in manager or this will also impact any other thing.

    Basically my question is,how it is going to impact the database.

  • Hi Tarigh,

    Thanks for your prompt response!!!

    I tested and it works.But can you please also let me know the impact of this change will only impact the visibility of the group in manager or this will also impact any other thing.

    Basically my question is,how it is going to impact the database.

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