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Error while Removing out of the box Active directory group from Manager

I want to remove out of the box Service Category "Active Directory Groups" from the Identity Manager web portal.While removing this item from Service Catalog in Manager, I am getting below error.

[1025012] Object (Active Directory Groups) could not be saved!
[810025] Service items: Write permission denied for value "Service category".
at VI.DB.Entities.PermissionsEntityColumnBase.<SetValueAsync>d__5.MoveNext()
at VI.DB.Entities.PermissionsEntityColumnBase._CheckCanEdit()

Please suggest!!!





  • Hi,

    Dell Dokumentation :

    IT Shop Administration Guide

    General Master Data for a Service Item

    -)Not available:

    Specifies whether the service item can still be request in the IT Shop. If this option is enabled, no new requests can be placed for this item. Existing request remain intact



  • Hi,

    Dell Dokumentation :

    IT Shop Administration Guide

    General Master Data for a Service Item

    -)Not available:

    Specifies whether the service item can still be request in the IT Shop. If this option is enabled, no new requests can be placed for this item. Existing request remain intact



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