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Recalculate AttestationHelper

Hello all,

how can I initiate the recalculation of the table AttestationHelper on existing attestation cases (table AttesstationCase)?

There is an event on the table AttestationPolicy that sounds like that, but without the expected result. 

My Use Case is:

System Role attestation where the owner of the System Role is changed during an open attestation case and I need to recalculate it to the new owner.

I guess there is something "simple" to do that without additional implementation effort, but I cannot figure it out :p


Thanks, Fatih

  • Hello Fatih,

    Did you find out how to recalculate AttestationHelper? Furthermore I try to recalculate for only a specific group of attestation case.

    The link provided by Tarigh Nejat manage only approvers for request (personWantsOrg).

  • Hello Fatih,

    Did you find out how to recalculate AttestationHelper? Furthermore I try to recalculate for only a specific group of attestation case.

    The link provided by Tarigh Nejat manage only approvers for request (personWantsOrg).

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