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Enable or disable columns on MasterData forms

Hi all.

I'm not sure if this is possible, but i will appreciate any clarification about it.

I use the unsaccountb table to store accounts from two different systems. I've extended the unsaccountb schema to allocate a few new columns that are needed to store some information. Let's imagine that i have 3 custom columns: column1, column2 and column3, where column1 and column2 are related to system1, and column3 is related to system2.

The problem is that when I login into Manager, and I select one account for, let's say, system1, the Manager shows me all THREE custom fields on the "custom" tab, when actually only two of them are related to this account (of system1). This behaviour is generating some confusion in my customer.

Is there some way to "hide" the fileds depending on the account's system that is being edited?

Yes, I know that I can use templates to manage this situation more or less efficiently, but in this case I think that my first approach (if possible) is better.


Thank you!

  • Hey xd

    This a default feature being available for each and every table of 1IM. Using the column group attribute for custom attributes on default tables will establish the column group as a new tab on the dedicated master data form.

    The only speciality is for UNSAccountB where the tab name will be applied following the name of the UNSRoot to hide attributes that do belong to other custom target systems being established in other UNSRoot.

  • Hey xd

    This a default feature being available for each and every table of 1IM. Using the column group attribute for custom attributes on default tables will establish the column group as a new tab on the dedicated master data form.

    The only speciality is for UNSAccountB where the tab name will be applied following the name of the UNSRoot to hide attributes that do belong to other custom target systems being established in other UNSRoot.

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