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Does 1IM v7.1.1 support multiple DAGs in Exchange 2013?

The customer has two DAGs of Exchange 2013. The mailbox placement is based upon the employee’s location through DAGs ((one for North America and another for International).

The customer just upgraded to v7.1.1 and wanted 1IM to support two DAGs.

Is it possible to intercept Exchange provision Ad-hoc projection to insert the check that determines which of DAGs should be executed for a new mailbox creation?

If it is possible, where is the interception to look into it to add the customization?

Thank you!

  • You have two options to choose the mail box database during creation:

    1. You let Exchange choose, which mail box database to choose. In that case, do not specify the mail box database in the mailbox object in One IDentity Manager
    2. You specify the mail box database in the mail box object in One Identity Manager based on the location of the person assigned to the mailbox. You could use IT operation data assigned to the locations to achieve that.

    There is no need to intercept the data during the ad-hoc projection jobs. Just specify the data correctly in the mail box objects during creation.

  • You have two options to choose the mail box database during creation:

    1. You let Exchange choose, which mail box database to choose. In that case, do not specify the mail box database in the mailbox object in One IDentity Manager
    2. You specify the mail box database in the mail box object in One Identity Manager based on the location of the person assigned to the mailbox. You could use IT operation data assigned to the locations to achieve that.

    There is no need to intercept the data during the ad-hoc projection jobs. Just specify the data correctly in the mail box objects during creation.

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