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V7.1: make Business Role available in IT-Shop. (Assignment Ressource could be ordered more than once)

After the migration from 6 to 7 our requestable Business Roles has an Assignment Ressource.

The problem is, that an assignment ressource could be requested more than once, but IMHO that doesn't make sense in case of a business role.


Could anyone give me a brief description how business roles should be made requestable, that it's not possible to order them twice?



  • First, even in 6 the business role membership was requested as assignment resource. Check the flag IsAssignmentResource of your version 6 resources.

    Second, even if you can request a assignment resource more than once in general, you cannot request the same assignment more then once (in the same timeframe).

    I am unable to see where 7 behaves differently or against your requirements.

    But maybe I misunderstood your requirements. If so please specify them a little further.
  • Hi Markus

    Thanks for you answer. I don't have a version 6 to compare anymore.
    But I can see, that a already assigned assignment ressource (based on a business role) is still requestable.
    The support told me, that is is the default behaviour for assignment Ressources (QERAssign) and that I have to adopt the Portal in the WebDesigner to customize to our needs.

    But as mentioned, I can't be believe that it was the product intension to have a business role requestable more than once.
    Our requirement is simply to have business roles as requestable only once item.

    So I assume, that there is a mistake on our side or on the vendors side.

  • Hi Patrick,
    I can't confirm your findings.
    You can choose those business roles, but you cannot submit your shopping cart.
  • Hi Geraldine

    You are right, it is possible to choose it, but not submit.

    Our customer is not happy at all with this behavior.
    If the customer can't request it, it must not be listed.

    The error message is even more confusing for our customer (non IT):
    "Das Objekt vom Typ Sekundäre Zuweisung: Geschäftsrolle existiert nicht in der Datenbank oder Sie haben keine Rechte es zu sehen."

    We have already got a lot of angry feedback from customer concerning this.

  • Hi Patrick,

    this error message seems strange as it should be "Die Zuweisung kann nicht bestellt werden, da sie bereits existiert", which does make sense. Something seems wrong in your system.

    Not showing a request-able item is no solution:
    People will search for it, won't find it, and will complain. Then you are searching what is wrong in the system. This is a waste of time. If people find what they are looking for, try to request it and are happy, that they already have it.

    Checking is something we have always done in the shopping cart, as you can check more there, think of compliance. And it doesn't steal your time, when you request something. If you check while requesting, it will take a lot of time. And will take the time for products you are not even interested in.

  • Hi Geraldine

    "Not showing a request-able item is no solution":
    A aleady requested Business role should NOT be requestable once more.
    With requestable I mean that I should not be able to put it to the shopping cart.

    What is the use case for requesting the same Business Role multiple time?

    We have multiple-request(able) ressources. But that is for another case.
  • Just think about the fact that you can restrict the duration of your request.

    That means that you are able to request the same membership for different time periods. This is a heavy used features by several customers, especially with larger, distributed organizations.

    And as Geraldine tried to point out, to check and remove all products during the search in the product catalog leads to longer UI response times, especially when your catalog contains thousands of items.

    That, and some additional, are the reasons why the product behaves as is.

    Feel free to modify the behavior to the restricted needs of your customer.
  • Hi Markus

    Thanks for your answer. You're right. I've not considered that an item could be requested for different time period.
    So I have to modify the Web Project.

    The other thing is the error message. If the user is allowed to put the item into the shopping cart I have modify it, to a understandable message.
  • The error message comes from VI.DB...
    Something is definitely troubling in your system.
    Did you delete the role? Can you assign it to person?