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Web Designer: In-page refresh


I have a status image for the Phone attribute that reflects the status of some backend processing, please see below.  The refresh button re-reads the Person collection and the status image updates correctly in response to that.  So all good. 

But the refresh seems to do a page reload and also resets the view to the top of the page.  Is there a good way to give a better user-user experience by just updating the Phone attribute Container or at least by returning the focus to the Phone Container on reload, so the user has the feeling he is getting immediate feedback from clicking refresh?




  • Hi Rob,
    the message component was build vanish on a page refresh.

    What is the use case, for the refresh button?
    Is the backend process so unstable, that the user must check it?
    Is there so little work, that someone has time to press a refresh button for half an hour?

    I also think, that it is common sense, that some background processes take their time. Even non technicians know, that for example a mail, sms, or message takes time for being delivered. And changing personal data will take even more time. In all those systems a checking process that the sender really knows that the recipient has gotten everything are seldom and very rarely have sense.
    Overthinking the use case is worth a discussion with the customer.

    But of course there is a solution:
    You can build your own message with a visibility condition. Save the old phone number in another collection. Till they are the same, show the message.

  • Hi Rob,
    the message component was build vanish on a page refresh.

    What is the use case, for the refresh button?
    Is the backend process so unstable, that the user must check it?
    Is there so little work, that someone has time to press a refresh button for half an hour?

    I also think, that it is common sense, that some background processes take their time. Even non technicians know, that for example a mail, sms, or message takes time for being delivered. And changing personal data will take even more time. In all those systems a checking process that the sender really knows that the recipient has gotten everything are seldom and very rarely have sense.
    Overthinking the use case is worth a discussion with the customer.

    But of course there is a solution:
    You can build your own message with a visibility condition. Save the old phone number in another collection. Till they are the same, show the message.

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