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Importing References in One Identity

I've got a SQL HR database with two tables. One table has general HR data, the other has departments. The HR table contains a field department that contains the number of the department in the departments table. Basic foreign key reference. I can import the users into One Identity and I can import the departments but I'm not sure how or where I can flow the reference so that uid_department on the user is set to the correct department as indicated by the HR table. One way I could go it is to flow the number into One Identity on the person object then create a template and I think I can cajole it into selecting the right department and updating the uid_department field. Is there a better way to do this where I can import and it will automatically populate the department properly? If you can point me at any documentation that would good to. 



  • You are missing the schema classes these UIDs are pointing to in your sync project.

    Perhaps, they have been removed from the project during the last project activation, because you haven't used them.

    Just reload the schema for the OneIM connector and things start to work as expected.

    To prevent a schema class from being removed, you can pin it during the activation / shrink operation.

  • You are missing the schema classes these UIDs are pointing to in your sync project.

    Perhaps, they have been removed from the project during the last project activation, because you haven't used them.

    Just reload the schema for the OneIM connector and things start to work as expected.

    To prevent a schema class from being removed, you can pin it during the activation / shrink operation.

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