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Data Import from an SQL Database

Hi, Apologies for my lack of knowledge in this area. We currently have our HR Oracle system sync'd into 1IM along with AD. Neither of which contains up to date contact telephone numbers for users. We have a separate SQL database that has some info in relating to telephone numbers. (I'm hoping to get a CSV export generated from our actual phonebook but that is a work in progress so I'll have to work with what I've got first).

I've managed to import the details from this SQL database into a table called CCC_Intranet_Phonebook. it is limited with the details contained within it though. I have created the following columns - CCC_Email, CCC_FirstName, CCC_Surname, CCC_UserIid, CCC_JobTitle, CCC_Phone and UID_CCC_Intranet_Phonebook.

The only data contained that is relational to the data in the Person Table is the Email address so what I want to achieve is match those in the person table with the DefaultEmailAddress set and therefore write the value stored in CCC_Intranet_Phonebook.CCC_Phone into Person.Phone. 

I have created a new FK column within the Person table and called this CCC_UID_Intranet_Phonebook. This now displays a drop down options list with phonebook records but they are displayed with the ObjectKey.


What I'd like to achieve is for this to display the persons email address from the CCC_Intranet_Phonebook table and set this automatically by matching it against Person.DefaultEmailAddress. Is anyone able to provide any advice in relation to how this can be achieved or if there is an alternative method I should be using?

Kind regards, Paul.

  • Hello, why not use the Sync Editor or Data Importer (if v6) to import the attribute directly to the Person table , assuming your Oracle HR data is not of good quality for this attribute? Use the Person.DefaultEmailAddress as your lookup key reference.
  • Hello, why not use the Sync Editor or Data Importer (if v6) to import the attribute directly to the Person table , assuming your Oracle HR data is not of good quality for this attribute? Use the Person.DefaultEmailAddress as your lookup key reference.
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