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XOrigin column shows "Direct Assignment" but bitmask value = 1 (inherit) in ADSAcountInADSGroup table

According to v7.1.1 documentation and Designer ADSAccountInADSGroup.XOrigin."Defined bitmask", if a direct assignment, its bitmask is 0. However ADSAccountInADSGroup.XOrigin shows "Direct Assignment" with bitmask value = 1. When attempted to remove an ADSAccount from the ADSGroup, the error thrown "Database error 50000: deleting Objects with XOrigin greater then 0 is not permitted".

The memberships are synced natively from AD through AD synchronization. How to manually solve the problem to set XOrigin bitmask to 0? Thanks!

  • Some more questions:

    1. Is the MarkedForDeletionFlag set to OutStanding or MarkedForDeletion?
    2. What is the status of the XIsInEffect flag for the membership?
    2. Did you tried to remove the membership without setting the ConnectionVariable XORIGINEMPTY in the HandleObject?
  • Some more questions:

    1. Is the MarkedForDeletionFlag set to OutStanding or MarkedForDeletion?
    2. What is the status of the XIsInEffect flag for the membership?
    2. Did you tried to remove the membership without setting the ConnectionVariable XORIGINEMPTY in the HandleObject?
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