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Can anyone tell me why IsToIgnoreOnImport is set to true on the column AttestationWizardParm.DisplayValue?


This column being ignored on import blocks us from being able to transport custom Attestation Procedures between environments (using transporter).


Thanks in advance


Environment: 1IM 7.1.1

  • We have taken defect VPR#28467 for that issue.

    A workaround would be to set the flag to false in your database using SQL. Please keep in mind, that this flag will be overwritten again with the next migration.

    The SQL would look like this:

    update DialogColumn set IsToIgnoreOnImport=0 where UID_DialogColumn = 'ATT-D110BAEE347A46C2A6DB82D891DB01A5'

  • We have taken defect VPR#28467 for that issue.

    A workaround would be to set the flag to false in your database using SQL. Please keep in mind, that this flag will be overwritten again with the next migration.

    The SQL would look like this:

    update DialogColumn set IsToIgnoreOnImport=0 where UID_DialogColumn = 'ATT-D110BAEE347A46C2A6DB82D891DB01A5'

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