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WP: Error registration new user: Missing authentication for project VI_UserRegistration_Web in web.config

Hi all,


I'm trying to enable user registration on the web portal, but when I click on the button "Click here if you do not have an account." on the login page, I get this error:

An exception has occurred while executing the form method F0_ctl00_Main_Main_ControlRef1_ATTLabel1_Method.
One or more errors occurred.
Missing authentication for project VI_UserRegistration_Web in web.config.
(2017-08-23 10:36:14)
Looking inside the Web Designer it seems that the project VI_UserRegistration_Web is missing.
What is that? I should install something else?
  • You have to ensure that the authentication data for your sub project (VI_UserRegistration_Web) is present in the web.config.

    Normally this will be configured during installation. To change it later on, use the Web Designer Configuration Editor and specify the authentication data for the sub projects in the web project section. I marked the area in my screenshot but in my case the authentication data is present.

  • You have to ensure that the authentication data for your sub project (VI_UserRegistration_Web) is present in the web.config.

    Normally this will be configured during installation. To change it later on, use the Web Designer Configuration Editor and specify the authentication data for the sub projects in the web project section. I marked the area in my screenshot but in my case the authentication data is present.

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