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How to add custom module to UserMenu in Web Designer?


 I have reviewed the Web Designer documentation and searched the user forum without success. I am in the process of learning how to create a custom module within Web Designer and I can't figure out how to add the reference to the module to the UserMenu collection so it's viewable in the test IDM Portal.  I created a simple module with a 'hello world' Alert control and I would like to view it in the my test portal.  How do I add the reference to the UserMenu?


Thanks in advance,


  • Geraldine,
    Thank you for your response; I figured how it was implemented for the company I work for. Using IDM 7.0: Menu Items were added as object extensions. I selected 'Web Projects' and in the pane I then selected 'VI_StandardWeb'. I opened up the MenuStructure 1 folder which revealed three sections 'Portal_IAM_MyIdentity','Portal_IAM_Governance', and 'Portal_IAM_Administration'. I right-clicked on the target folder and chose 'object in extenions-> Menu Item'.
  • Geraldine,
    Thank you for your response; I figured how it was implemented for the company I work for. Using IDM 7.0: Menu Items were added as object extensions. I selected 'Web Projects' and in the pane I then selected 'VI_StandardWeb'. I opened up the MenuStructure 1 folder which revealed three sections 'Portal_IAM_MyIdentity','Portal_IAM_Governance', and 'Portal_IAM_Administration'. I right-clicked on the target folder and chose 'object in extenions-> Menu Item'.
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