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event ASSIGN on UNSAccountBInUNSGroupB is generated outside of the connection


I have fullsync script where I set FULLSYNC connection variable to prevent processes to generate.
When I create missed UNSAccountB in IDM the processes aren't generate (event = INSERT on UNSAccountB)
When I make assignment (insert into UNSAccountBInUNSGroupB) the processes are generated despite generation condition with the variable check.
I suppose that event ASSIGN is sent somewhere outside of my connection and the condition is true.

How can I suppress process generation in that case?

Thank you

  • I have talked to some guys internally and here is your solution.

    You just need to set the property XIsInEffect to 1. But a normal user account is not allowed to set this property. If the script is executed by the Job Service using the component authenticator you should be able to set the property.

    If you want to test the script in the System Library, you have to use a system user with the flag IsServiceAccount set.

  • I have talked to some guys internally and here is your solution.

    You just need to set the property XIsInEffect to 1. But a normal user account is not allowed to set this property. If the script is executed by the Job Service using the component authenticator you should be able to set the property.

    If you want to test the script in the System Library, you have to use a system user with the flag IsServiceAccount set.

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