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event ASSIGN on UNSAccountBInUNSGroupB is generated outside of the connection


I have fullsync script where I set FULLSYNC connection variable to prevent processes to generate.
When I create missed UNSAccountB in IDM the processes aren't generate (event = INSERT on UNSAccountB)
When I make assignment (insert into UNSAccountBInUNSGroupB) the processes are generated despite generation condition with the variable check.
I suppose that event ASSIGN is sent somewhere outside of my connection and the condition is true.

How can I suppress process generation in that case?

Thank you

  • Hi Markus
    I have the same Write permission denied for value XIsInEffect.
    The script is executed by schedule/process plan/process.
    How to execute the script by the Job Service using the component authenticator?
  • Hi Markus
    I have the same Write permission denied for value XIsInEffect.
    The script is executed by schedule/process plan/process.
    How to execute the script by the Job Service using the component authenticator?
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