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Where to utilise Report Parameters?

I'm using v7.1. I've written some reports in Report Designer but I want to add parameters to them and can't find out how to do that. I can create a parameter just fine and have it populated with what I want but I can't see where I can apply that parameter to the data of the report. I've tried adding a where clause to the data source that uses the parameter name eg. where uid_department = departmentParam but this throws an InvalidColumnError, obviously because it's a parameter and not in the table. So where do I apply the parameter to the datasource to filter to only the departments I want?


Second question, afterI get one parameter working, is there a way to have one parameter filter another parameter. So for example, I select a department in the parameters and depending on that I only get the roles in that department in the drop down for the second parameter?


I've looked at documentation and watched the youtube videos on reports but none of it, unless I've missed it, goes into how to apply parameters or make them dynamic like above.

  • All MVPs in One Identity Manager are using chr(7) as delimiter and so do the report parameters.

    Please check

    So when you want to use the single values from the MVP in an SQL IN-clause, you have to split the string. Take a look at the parameter FilterList (Excluded groups) in the report VI_UNSGroup_Entitlement_Drifts. The query FilterListObjects demonstrates the use in such cases.

    In you samples the query would look like

    uid_department in (select ParameterValue from dbo.QBM_FCVStringToList($PC(DepartmentParam)$,Char(7),0,1))

    or depending on your posted query snippet

    and departmentname in (select ParameterValue from dbo.QBM_FCVStringToList(@DepartmentParam,Char(7),0,1))

  • All MVPs in One Identity Manager are using chr(7) as delimiter and so do the report parameters.

    Please check

    So when you want to use the single values from the MVP in an SQL IN-clause, you have to split the string. Take a look at the parameter FilterList (Excluded groups) in the report VI_UNSGroup_Entitlement_Drifts. The query FilterListObjects demonstrates the use in such cases.

    In you samples the query would look like

    uid_department in (select ParameterValue from dbo.QBM_FCVStringToList($PC(DepartmentParam)$,Char(7),0,1))

    or depending on your posted query snippet

    and departmentname in (select ParameterValue from dbo.QBM_FCVStringToList(@DepartmentParam,Char(7),0,1))

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