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Web Portal bug: "There are too many results.." message with no data to display

Hi all,

I'm encountering this little bug..On the web portal, in sections Request History, Approval History or Unsubscribe if I type some keyword to search, even if there is no data to display, it shows me this message. Here's the screenshot of two cases: in the first one the word "ras" represent the name of a custom target system, the second one a random word. In both cases there are no requests to display.

  • Honestly, now I am unable to follow your explanations as I am unable to reproduce this like you are describing it. On my system the filter option returns not only fast but it returns some data. Maybe there are other reasons that lead to your filtering performance and results (Not talking about the index search, just about the filtering). Reasons could be customizing or SQL Server issues. None of these can easily be answered here in the forum, so I suggest to work with support on that.

    P.S: I have used version 7.1.2 which one did you use? It is always helpful to post the version you have a problem with.

  • Honestly, now I am unable to follow your explanations as I am unable to reproduce this like you are describing it. On my system the filter option returns not only fast but it returns some data. Maybe there are other reasons that lead to your filtering performance and results (Not talking about the index search, just about the filtering). Reasons could be customizing or SQL Server issues. None of these can easily be answered here in the forum, so I suggest to work with support on that.

    P.S: I have used version 7.1.2 which one did you use? It is always helpful to post the version you have a problem with.

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