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Install additional services on same job server

Hi Experts,

Iv'e been made aware that one Server can host multiple job services. The use case here is that in our dev environment, we have 2 separate 1IM DBs (on the same DB Server) and we oly have 1 available server we can use as a job server. So, the idea is to install 2 services on that one server, one which connnects to DB1 and another which connects to DB2

I installed the first service fine (not remote), but when I install the second service it doesn't create a new service. I only have one "Dell One IDentity Manager" service running on the job server.

How do I install the other service? Can I give that service another name? (e.g. Dell One Service DB2)? How Do I specify different install paths for both services? Confused.....



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