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Data Importer events when inserting object

HI Experts,


I have a script which has been generated using the Data Importer. This imports records from a CSV file into UNSAccountB. I have configured a process to fire on the INSERT event on that table, however when I run the script the process never fires.

If I insert an object manually into UNSAccountB the process fires, which got me thinking that maybe the event which is generated when using the data importer is not a simple INSERT but something else. I tried using INSERT_FS but that didn't work either.

Is there some way to tell which event gets fired when the record is inserted into UNSAccountB? I've modified the data importer script so I can test it directly in designer so I'm testing it via there, will that make a difference?



  • HI Markus,

    In the import script a custom connection variable is being set. However, there are no checks for this connection variable in the generating condition of the process or any of the process steps at all. I was expecting to see something like If Connection.Variables("MyConnVar") ..... but there is no such code.

  • HI Markus,

    In the import script a custom connection variable is being set. However, there are no checks for this connection variable in the generating condition of the process or any of the process steps at all. I was expecting to see something like If Connection.Variables("MyConnVar") ..... but there is no such code.

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