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Synchronization Server - Ignore manually created elements while deleting / comparing to target system?


I would like to know, how I can create a scope to ignore deletion of an element, when created manually.

For example, in Manager, I created a Location, with Ident_Locality "TEST".

In Sync Server (native db connector) I defined a workflow, which reads the localities from an other database.

At the moment it is configured, that, if an element in the database does not exists (but in IAM does = my manually created element), it gets deleted on every sync.

In IAM version 6 I was able to do it with the data importer and to create a scope with sql but how could I do the same now with the new sync editor and IAM 7.1.2?

  • Hi eMiFR

    I'd recommend integrating the property ImportSource into your synchronization project and to utilize either the existing ImportSource values defined by 1IM or to extend those with your own values. In the attribute flow for your locality objects you integrate a virtual property on the source side that flows the chosen value into the ImportSource attribute of you locality objects. The scope for your project will the check for objects having the ImportSource = <your value> to determine the appropriate objects and to ignore others.

  • Hi eMiFR

    I'd recommend integrating the property ImportSource into your synchronization project and to utilize either the existing ImportSource values defined by 1IM or to extend those with your own values. In the attribute flow for your locality objects you integrate a virtual property on the source side that flows the chosen value into the ImportSource attribute of you locality objects. The scope for your project will the check for objects having the ImportSource = <your value> to determine the appropriate objects and to ignore others.

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