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Synchronization Server - Ignore manually created elements while deleting / comparing to target system?


I would like to know, how I can create a scope to ignore deletion of an element, when created manually.

For example, in Manager, I created a Location, with Ident_Locality "TEST".

In Sync Server (native db connector) I defined a workflow, which reads the localities from an other database.

At the moment it is configured, that, if an element in the database does not exists (but in IAM does = my manually created element), it gets deleted on every sync.

In IAM version 6 I was able to do it with the data importer and to create a scope with sql but how could I do the same now with the new sync editor and IAM 7.1.2?

  •  Hi Carsten


    Thank you for your response! The scope seems to work now. I put it on the 1IM side of my connector and tested it in schema browser and it is applied correctly. Also I did a simulation provisioning and the report seemed fine, no manually created objects would now be deleted. The problem I face now is, that when I want to start the sync with "Execute", I keep getting this error message in the browser log:

    Any hint, where I can find that "log from Montag"? Maybe I can then find out which error and what the actual problem is now...

  •  Hi Carsten


    Thank you for your response! The scope seems to work now. I put it on the 1IM side of my connector and tested it in schema browser and it is applied correctly. Also I did a simulation provisioning and the report seemed fine, no manually created objects would now be deleted. The problem I face now is, that when I want to start the sync with "Execute", I keep getting this error message in the browser log:

    Any hint, where I can find that "log from Montag"? Maybe I can then find out which error and what the actual problem is now...

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