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Synchronization Server - Ignore manually created elements while deleting / comparing to target system?


I would like to know, how I can create a scope to ignore deletion of an element, when created manually.

For example, in Manager, I created a Location, with Ident_Locality "TEST".

In Sync Server (native db connector) I defined a workflow, which reads the localities from an other database.

At the moment it is configured, that, if an element in the database does not exists (but in IAM does = my manually created element), it gets deleted on every sync.

In IAM version 6 I was able to do it with the data importer and to create a scope with sql but how could I do the same now with the new sync editor and IAM 7.1.2?

  • I was able to implement the scope and do the import without my manually created locations getting deleted. What I then found out, might be a bug. It took me now a day to figure it out: Before I created a scope on One Identity Manager side I was importing Localities with hierarchy information. This worked well, and I was able in the manager to browse the hierarchy deeper and deeper. But when I added the scope (to not delete manual created locations) the hierarchy import wont work and it imports all the locations just flat. When I removed the scope, it worked again - very strange. Maybe somebody can test it in your environment... seems to be a bug for me. Now I can choose if I want the hierarchy or the scope, but I need both :) Will wait now for a sufficient answer, and proceed with the other stuff...
  • I was able to implement the scope and do the import without my manually created locations getting deleted. What I then found out, might be a bug. It took me now a day to figure it out: Before I created a scope on One Identity Manager side I was importing Localities with hierarchy information. This worked well, and I was able in the manager to browse the hierarchy deeper and deeper. But when I added the scope (to not delete manual created locations) the hierarchy import wont work and it imports all the locations just flat. When I removed the scope, it worked again - very strange. Maybe somebody can test it in your environment... seems to be a bug for me. Now I can choose if I want the hierarchy or the scope, but I need both :) Will wait now for a sufficient answer, and proceed with the other stuff...
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