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Web designer - Multiselect

Hi Experts,

I know the IT shop can show a drop-down list of limited values. Can it also show a multi-selectable drop down list of limited values? The use-case is that we have a list of value (separated by char(7) in a custom table, and this list should be shown as a drop down in the IT shop where the user can select multiple values frmo this list)

IF so, which web designer component should be used to display such a list? (I'm not a web designer but I have been asked to ask this question to pass to our web designer)



  • Thanks Rob, our WD said that module didn't help, so he has made his own one. He did ask me to check something: Is it possible to combine multiple values into a char(7) separeated string in Web Designer? There is a collection with just one column, lets say it 3 rows with values "Apple", "Oranges", "Pears" - what he wants is to return one string containing "Apple,Oranges,Pears" (separated by char(7) instead of ,)

    Is this possible using WebSQL?
  • Thanks Rob, our WD said that module didn't help, so he has made his own one. He did ask me to check something: Is it possible to combine multiple values into a char(7) separeated string in Web Designer? There is a collection with just one column, lets say it 3 rows with values "Apple", "Oranges", "Pears" - what he wants is to return one string containing "Apple,Oranges,Pears" (separated by char(7) instead of ,)

    Is this possible using WebSQL?
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