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Webdesigner question (again)

Hi Experts,


IS it possible to add a dynamic table? I need to display a table to the user (this is ok), and the user clicks a button "Add Row" which adds another row to the table. 

Not sure how to do this - any help will be much appreciated



  • Yes, this is possible. You can do that if you display your collection via a grid.

    The button can be placed in the footer definition of the grid, so that it will displayed at the end of your table. Within the "Action" block of you button you need to define an "Insert" control for your collection to insert the new row.

    If you want you can also define a static column for a simple property and add a second button at the end of each row, with the option to delete a row if needed. In the "Action" you have to add the "Delete" control and your filter should look like the following code...

    UID_Column = ( SELECT CURRENT UID_Column FROM MyDynamicCollection )

  • Yes, this is possible. You can do that if you display your collection via a grid.

    The button can be placed in the footer definition of the grid, so that it will displayed at the end of your table. Within the "Action" block of you button you need to define an "Insert" control for your collection to insert the new row.

    If you want you can also define a static column for a simple property and add a second button at the end of each row, with the option to delete a row if needed. In the "Action" you have to add the "Delete" control and your filter should look like the following code...

    UID_Column = ( SELECT CURRENT UID_Column FROM MyDynamicCollection )

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