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Webdesigner question (again)

Hi Experts,


IS it possible to add a dynamic table? I need to display a table to the user (this is ok), and the user clicks a button "Add Row" which adds another row to the table. 

Not sure how to do this - any help will be much appreciated



  • In your case the iteration will be done by the grid control. Because you have put the button outside of the grid, you still have no cursor - as Geraldine also said.

    So, because I am not quite sure what you want to do I can give you a way to solve your problem.

    If you want to be able to save each row separatly you can create a new column within your grid that contains your button and the logic that you have implemented.

    Another way could be to create a new column with boolean value that you can name IsSelectedToSave for your collection PersonWantsOrg. Then you need to create a new column for your grid that should contain a checkbox control and should reference to your new column.

    Your save action should contain the following filter:

    IsSelectedToSave = True

    Note: Ensure that you remove the CURRENT syntax.




  • In your case the iteration will be done by the grid control. Because you have put the button outside of the grid, you still have no cursor - as Geraldine also said.

    So, because I am not quite sure what you want to do I can give you a way to solve your problem.

    If you want to be able to save each row separatly you can create a new column within your grid that contains your button and the logic that you have implemented.

    Another way could be to create a new column with boolean value that you can name IsSelectedToSave for your collection PersonWantsOrg. Then you need to create a new column for your grid that should contain a checkbox control and should reference to your new column.

    Your save action should contain the following filter:

    IsSelectedToSave = True

    Note: Ensure that you remove the CURRENT syntax.




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