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Refresh or Reload Overview Form by VB Script


I have a menu action in the manager (Dialog Script) that changes some values of an object that i shown already in the overview. After the action I can press Ctrl-F5 to refresh the Overview. Is there any possibilities to do this reload action from the VB Script in the Dialog Action?

  • With a little help from my amazing development team. The following code sample should do the trick.

    	References VI.DialogEngine.dll
    	Imports VI.DialogEngine
    #End If
    ' Do your changes....
    Base.PutValue("Room", "RELOAD")
    ' Reload the current form
    Dim navigator As IDialogNavigatorService = Nothing
    If Session.TryResolve(Of IDialogNavigatorService)(navigator) Then
    	navigator.NavigateTo(Base, VI.MVC.OpenDocumentOptions.KeepActiveTask)
    End If

  • Thank you, it has worked for me, it is very helpful!