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HTML Attribute disabled="disabled" is no longer generated for readonly or write protected input-fields after upgrade from Q1IM 6.0.1 to Q1IM 6.1.4


HTML Attribute disabled="disabled" is no longer generated for readonly or write protected input-fields after upgrade from 6.0.1 to 6.1.4
is this a known bug? any idea how to solve that?

best regards,

  • Hi!

    It is of course possible to (mark) and copy and paste from inactive and disabled fields (only th cursor won´t show up) in version 6.0.x.


    The problem is that in Version 6.1.4. a blinking curser misleds the user to think he can edit the disabled field.

  • Hi!

    It is of course possible to (mark) and copy and paste from inactive and disabled fields (only th cursor won´t show up) in version 6.0.x.


    The problem is that in Version 6.1.4. a blinking curser misleds the user to think he can edit the disabled field.

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