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Sync engine: sync a target attribute with DN lookup from source: Samaccountname

Hi. I'm looking to set up an update activity in Sync Engine that does the following:

Source record: SQL database entry, containing a computer name and an owner SAMAccountName 

Target: mapped computer object in AD:

Forward sync rule: Find the DN of the SAMAccountname in the SQL record, and write it to the ManagedBy field for the computer object.

The question is: how can this be done without using a Get-QADUser PowerShell command in the forward sync rule?

I have a sample script that would perform a Get-QADuser, and return the DN. But that's really expensive.

There are thousands of records to sync, and this would be really costly.

Is there a more elegant to do a query that would not require a domain lookup for every entry?




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