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Language according provided culture


I try to get the translation from within a script by using the #LD-Notation. I've the key in the DialogMultilanguage set as: "my test to translate"

Now I tried the following to get the Italian translation of the above mentioned key:
(according the documentation:

Dim lang As String = "italiano"

Value = #LD[lang]("my test to translate")#

However as a result I always receive the key itself "my test to translate" and not the translated text. I tried the provided culture as:

- italiano
- it-CH
- italian

but non of them worked (also tried for different languages like French). I know that normally the square bracket is optional but in my case I need them.

I also tried with the method:
Value = LanguageDependentEx(lang, "DialogMultiLanguage", "EntryValue", "my test to translate")

but also this without success.

I'm on OneIdentity Manager version 7.1.1.

Do I miss something?

Thanks for your help



  • Hi

    If want to use the function LanguageDependent() please ensure that you are using the function as follows:

    '~~> Basics:
    '~~> LanguageDependent("TableName", "ColumnName", "EntryKey@DialogMultiLanguage")
    '~~> Example:
    '~~> Should work in each 7.1.1 environment.
    LanguageDependent("DialogScript", "ScriptCode", "Could not determine target system connection")

    If you define own DialogMultiLanguage entries you should ensure that the value for UID_DialogColumn is set to ScriptCode@DialogScript:



  • And, you need to specify a translation in the language editor for the culture you are providing. The system is using QBMCulture.Ident_DialogCulture to find a translation.
  • Hi Sven

    Thanks for your answer.

    Unfortunately it does not work, but I do not use the LanguageDependent() function. I need the LanguageDependentEx() ... or the LD notation #LD[culture]("key")#, since I must provide the culture. All the other settings are done as you described.

    I also used the table/column "DialogScript"/"ScriptCode". If I do a search in the table DialogScript searching for my key, it finds an entry.



  • Do you have an entry in DialogMultiLanguage with your EntryKey for the QBMDialogCulture you are specifying in your LD notation? Again, you need to use the Ident_DialogCulture, in your case it-CH.
  • Hi Rolf

    I have checked the function in 6.1.3 and there it works fine:

    In Version 7.1.1 the function also returns an EntryValue from DialogMultiLanguage, but in every case I have got the value for the culture en-US what is the default culture in the function LanguageDependentEx() for cases if an error occurs or the culture have not submitted/is empty.

    My suggestion for you is to get in touch with the support by opening a SR. In my opinion it seems to me that there is a problem with the function LanguageDependentEx() in Version 7.1.1 (could be that it is fixed in Version 7.1.2 - I don't know).


  • Table: DialogMultiLanguage


    Table: QBMCulture


    As you can see, the needed entries are there. Like I wrote on my initial post, I tried all of the variation (it-CH, italiano, Italian) as the culture in the function.

    My tests:

    • LanguageDependentEx("it-CH", "DialogScript", "ScriptCode", "weiterhin gültig")
    • LanguageDependentEx("italiano", "DialogScript", "ScriptCode", "weiterhin gültig")
    • LanguageDependentEx("Italian", "DialogScript", "ScriptCode", "weiterhin gültig")
  • Sorry. The images haven't made it into the post.
  • Excuse me, just did a copy/paste... uploaded them now.
  • Looks good to me. So, i think contacting Support it is.
  • Just a weird idea, did you tried to use the UID of the QBMCulture? In your case QBM-CULT-it-CH?