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Collection not loading on web portal

Hi all,


I'm trying to load a collection on the Employee overview to add a column on the list of the employees.

This collection is a customview.

But it is not loaded.

I tried to to put load collection both in the collection initializer and the  component initializer but not working.



In attach a screenshot


Thanks Mik

  • Did you Check like Sven and me described earlier?
    Did you debug, if you actually come to the load statement?

    Yes in a module it is called collection in a component it is called table.

    Do you have a Web Designer Training?

  • Debugging I notice that the load statment is not triggered, the execution stack goes to Initializer but doesn't go inside to execute the load statment both in the collection inizializer and the module initializer. Why?
  • Can you try loading a different collection, preferably one if the otb tables and see if that loads? Or maybe try loading the person collection which you already have. This will tell us if the issue is in the module somewhere or perhaps something wrong in the view.
  • Also, as Sven mentioned make sure your view has a primary key. This is done in the backend not in Web designer. If you can't take a pk from the tables then you should consider constructing your own pk in the view definition