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Attestation Approval by E-mail Reply (Exchange Online)

I located the following technical document regarding attestation by e-mail responses, however I'm curious to know if this is possible in environments that do not have on premise Exchange, but have Exchange Online that is synchronized to AD without Identity Manager.

The ideal scenario is that approvers are able to respond to an attestation request by e-mail on their mobiles, and to avoid the need for authentication within the internal network.

If this is not possible, are there any other recommended methods to approve or deny attestations without requiring the approver to located on the internal network?

  • The approval by mail feature uses the Exchange WebServices to monitor a mailbox, where the approval mails are send to as described in the manual section.

    I do not know if this works with Exchange Online as well if you specify a proper Exchange Webservice URL.

    But if not, you can override the ootb script VI_MailApproval_ProcessInBox that is processing the approval mails.

  • The approval by mail feature uses the Exchange WebServices to monitor a mailbox, where the approval mails are send to as described in the manual section.

    I do not know if this works with Exchange Online as well if you specify a proper Exchange Webservice URL.

    But if not, you can override the ootb script VI_MailApproval_ProcessInBox that is processing the approval mails.

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