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ReportComponent Export options

I need to set the "Bands Filter" to "All bands" in a ReportComponent Export step for a CSV file.
I see there is a CustomText parameter for additional parameters. What is the format for that parameter so I can get all bands in that exported report?

  • Hi Markus,

    I need to create a CSV that looks like this:

    Type=Upload Custom Fields Update,,,
    Language=English (United States),,,
    Object ID,[c] Network ID,[c] Email Address,[c] Has Resource Worked for here Previously?

    Six bands of information for the target system followed by one column header row and then data.

    I wrote a report that does this and in Subscribable Reports in Manager I can preview the report and save it with the bands filter set to "All bands".

    Which gives me the report I require.

    It would be nice to use a ReportComponent Export step.

    If CsvSkipColumnHeaders is set to "false" I just get the data if "true" I get "Text8,Text12,Text13,Text11" (no kidding).



  • Hi Markus,

    I need to create a CSV that looks like this:

    Type=Upload Custom Fields Update,,,
    Language=English (United States),,,
    Object ID,[c] Network ID,[c] Email Address,[c] Has Resource Worked for here Previously?

    Six bands of information for the target system followed by one column header row and then data.

    I wrote a report that does this and in Subscribable Reports in Manager I can preview the report and save it with the bands filter set to "All bands".

    Which gives me the report I require.

    It would be nice to use a ReportComponent Export step.

    If CsvSkipColumnHeaders is set to "false" I just get the data if "true" I get "Text8,Text12,Text13,Text11" (no kidding).



No Data