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Default view for Web Portal

Hi all,


is there a way to set the default view mode for web portal (desktop or mobile)? I read on documentation that the view mode is choosen automatically, but I'd like to force it to desktop mode as default. Employee will switch to mobile if needed.




  • Hi Hanno

    The changing of the view depending on the device properties make problems for our customer because they're using mainly the surface books which is recognized as the "mobile view" by the IT-Shop.

    So the only possibility to force desktop mode is using the URL parameter which you stated or is there any parameter which can be set in the One Identity Web Designer?

    I just think it's pretty hard to make it automatically for a lot of devices out there especially with the tablets which function as a desktop as well.

    Kind regards,

  • Hi Hanno

    The changing of the view depending on the device properties make problems for our customer because they're using mainly the surface books which is recognized as the "mobile view" by the IT-Shop.

    So the only possibility to force desktop mode is using the URL parameter which you stated or is there any parameter which can be set in the One Identity Web Designer?

    I just think it's pretty hard to make it automatically for a lot of devices out there especially with the tablets which function as a desktop as well.

    Kind regards,

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