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Default view for Web Portal

Hi all,


is there a way to set the default view mode for web portal (desktop or mobile)? I read on documentation that the view mode is choosen automatically, but I'd like to force it to desktop mode as default. Employee will switch to mobile if needed.




  • Hi Geraldine
    I did that already, got a hotfix which I impelemented and now the customer is testing it.

    Can I ask what this viper 28947 is? I got it answered by a colleague, its the internal bug tracking tool. Which means I got the exact same hotfix (the viper number matches with the number on the hotfix).

    Thanks for you help regardless.

  • Hi Geraldine
    I did that already, got a hotfix which I impelemented and now the customer is testing it.

    Can I ask what this viper 28947 is? I got it answered by a colleague, its the internal bug tracking tool. Which means I got the exact same hotfix (the viper number matches with the number on the hotfix).

    Thanks for you help regardless.

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