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One Identity Connect for Cloud/ OIM SCIM Connector


I am hoping to drive a discussion for the evangelizing of the Quest line of products for Cloud services integrations. We are in the process of ramping up our practice for provisioning in and out some of our SAAS apps. And while I am a champion of the One Identity solution, I am having a difficult time winning consensus across our various stakeholders with respect to leveraging a Quest solution to solve this problem.

There is such little substantive data to be found about the Cloud connector in Q1IM and even less about the OICC platform. With super integration aggregators (Okta, Ping, etc) out there glomming up customers with a heavy focus on pre-built integrations with SAAS services, how do we properly evangelize the product?

The challenge you have is that these other platforms (while not holding a candle to you in the actual identity management space), have provided enough entry level identity management features for companies to be comfortable pulling the trigger. Once there, it is difficult to pull them back.

As a past and hopefully future customer, I am looking for some real insight into the future of this practice. Some basic questions from my perspective are as follows:

  • What pre-integrations are officially supported?

    • The technical documentation is basically a manual on how your product is configured. There is nothing about how to actually connect to anything that you support. Something like your videos on connecting to active directory would be great. The one video you have for the Cloud Connector is ok, but it really only provides an incling of what could be possible, we need more. :)

  • Salesforce is a huge driver, why no support for SCIM 1.1?

    • Do you even have a sample platform integration setup that we can easily use to demonstrate the solution's efficacy?

  • Box, WatchDox, Coupa, Concur?

    • All of the other players have pre-built integrations
    • While Azure support is great, everyone else has that already. 

The Identity Manager product has been around in some form or another for 20+ years (based on your videos). Why are you guys not eating everyone else's lunch right now?

So frustrating.

SO much promise in the Quest paradigm. What can we do to help support and broaden support for quality integrations with the product?


  • Oh,

    And are you guys still supporting Oracle EBS in OIM 7.12? When I google it all I see are documents for older OIM versions.

    This is especially of interest for me because we have a huge gap that would be low hanging fruit for your solution to solve for in EBS.
  • Oh,

    And are you guys still supporting Oracle EBS in OIM 7.12? When I google it all I see are documents for older OIM versions.

    This is especially of interest for me because we have a huge gap that would be low hanging fruit for your solution to solve for in EBS.
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