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how to create an IsTemporaryDeactivated cascade

Hi. I'm trying to disable a dummy user when the RealPerson is disabled.

My idea is to insert the following code in the field IsTemporaryDeactivated of table Person.

The code finds all connected dummy Persons then disables them.


Dim colPersons As IColDbObject
Dim dbPerson As ISingleDbObject

colPersons = Connection.CreateCol("Person")
colPersons.Prototype.PutValue("UID_RealPerson", $UID_Person$)

For Each colElement As IColElem In colPersons
   dbPerson = colElement.Create()
   dbPerson.PutValue("IsTemporaryDeactivated", $IsTemporaryDeactivated:Bool$)

My question is: is this the right way to achive the result? IsTemporaryDeactivated cascade