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ITShopOrgHasQERAssign Objects Incorrectly Created During Automation

I've written some automation with processes so that when a department is created, some roles are created and then those roles are added to the IT Shop. It's kind of working but not quite. For my entries into the ITShopOrgHasQERAssign I add two entries, one that maps the QERAssign to the ITShopOrg and one that maps the QERAssign to the Shelf(also an ITShopOrg object). This works correctly and things appear as they should except that when I look at the item on the shelf in Manager I can see connected to the Product there are lots of Assignment Resources - it looks like it's assigning everything on that shelf to the Product. So I had a look in the database and I can see the entries there. The ones that I have added with the process have an XUserInserted of SA and all the other ones that are incorrectly assigned the xUserInserted are from 'QBM_DBQueueProcess'. So it looks to me like some automated process is adding all of these assignments where I don't want it to. Any hints on where to look next or what I should change?

  • Just add the QERAssign to the shelf in ITShopOrgHasQERAssign. Nothing more. The rest will and should only be done by the DB Queue Processor.
  • Thanks Markus. When I do that all the nodes get created on the shelf with the name 'ProductNode (real name coming soon)' and when I look in the job queue there is a process 'Created by QBMDBQueueProcess: handle object update for object type ITShopOrg'.

    I think this process is meant to update the name but all of the sub-processes hit Frozen with this error message: 'IT Shop structures: The combination of the fields Comment, Full name must be unique. Object [ProductName] already contains this combination.'

    When I restart these frozen processes they finish successfully and the items in the IT Shop get their proper name. I don't want to manually intervene for this automation though.

    It seems like it deletes what I create with the script and creates a new item in the shop with the 'ProductNode (real name coming soon)' When it tries to update the placeholder, it already exists so freezes.

    These are the tables I'm writing to. Am I adding to the wrong tables?
  • I think I've figured it out - I don't need to insert into ITShopOrg - that parts done automatically.
  • Hi Walters,

    I have a similar error message however the jobs are getting frozen again after reactivation.

    Could you please suggest ?

    Thanks !

  • You do have duplicates in the shop as the error suggest.

    'IT Shop structures: The combination of the fields Comment, Full name must be unique. Object [ProductName] already contains this combination.'
  • Hi Jai, I also had the same error while migrating the products from v6 to v7 1IM and the reason was duplicate data in v6 based on these 2 attributes(Comment, Full name) ITShopOrg which I had to migrate any how.

    While creation of ITShopOrg objects internally through assignment of groups to shelf templates, Ident_Org is taken from Ident_AccProduct of the corresponding group's AccProduct, Comment is taken from Ident_AccProductGroup of the corresponding AccProduct's AccProductGroup. So, since these duplicate ITShopOrgs corresponded to the same AccProductGroup, it failed the uniqueness criteria.

    To overcome this limitation while data migration, I just updated the Comment with Description of the corresponding AccProduct.