Hi all,
I'm on 7.1 version.
I want to show in the webportal in the views that show the list of departments only the departments that have the flag disabled (isInactive on the table) set to false.
I can't find how to do that beacuse the web portal take a default view and pass to it the table to show and the where clause to for filter but I can't find where these parameters are set.
For example the menu "Organization" point to module VI_ITShop_MyRoles passing a parameter called "Area" but I can't fine where is set the name of the table "Departments" and how can I pass to him the where clause to take only not disabled departments.
I don't know if this is the right way to do that.
In general I didn't find the disabled property for Departments is for beacuse it doesn't change the visivibility .
Thanks Mik
P.s. I have the same problem in the audit section