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Map exchange attributes | Not existing on ADSAccount (user)

What do I have to do, to activate the exchange attributes like "mailNickname" on the ADSAccount (user) site in the mapping editor?

Do I have to use the exchange connector to connect to exchange or activate some other kind of setting?

  • I did this before but still the same. Please take a look here:



    on the right side it exists:


    I dont have any attribute on the left side: ADSAccount (user) - to map the mailNickname for example, or all the other exchange attribute either.

    In IAM 6 I had access to all of them:

  • I did this before but still the same. Please take a look here:



    on the right side it exists:


    I dont have any attribute on the left side: ADSAccount (user) - to map the mailNickname for example, or all the other exchange attribute either.

    In IAM 6 I had access to all of them:

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