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You must have write permissions for column 'DialogWebService.ProxyCode' to run this wizard.



So in 7.1.2 I am looking to get my head around capabilities with respect to WebService integrations. I am logged in via the default VIAdmin account, and when attempting to edit the current "Enrico Holiday Webservice" I get the following error:


[1025314] Document (Enrico Holiday Webservice) could not be opened!
[1211031] You must have write permissions for column 'DialogWebService.ProxyCode' to run this wizard.
	at VI.DialogEngine.DialogEngine.OpenTask(IEditorTask task, OpenDocumentOptions options)
	at VI.DialogEngine.EditorHostColleague.OpenTaskModal(IEditorTask task)
	at Designer.WebServiceEditor.WebServiceEditor.Initialize(IEditorTask eTask)
	at Designer.Base.DocumentEditorControl.SelectDocument(IDocument newDocument)
	at Designer.WebServiceEditor.WebServiceEditor.OnSelectedDocumentChanged(Object sender, DocumentControllerEventArgs e)
	at Designer.WebServiceEditor.wizWebService.Initialize(ISingleDbObject dbDialogWebService, WizardMode wizMode)

Based on the permissions editor, it looks like I should be able to run this wizard.

Is there something that I am overlooking here?

