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How to create a multi-valued and drop-down custom attribute on OIM

Hi experts,

I need to create a drop-down multi-choice custom attribute with a limited list of values that once all values has been selected, they has to be storage on a multi-valued custom attribute on "Person" database table. I created a custom multi-valued attribute through a Person table extension but when I tried to edit the permissions for the Person database table on the Designer and I check "multi-valued column" option on the "Properties/More" tab, it automatically disable the "Define list of values" properties on "Properties/Column" tab.

Am I doing the correct process to create this type of attributes or there are other steps to do it properly?

Thanks in advance!

  • Just to clarify a little bit. We want something like how the recipients in a request is working but in the request properties, in order to have 2 or more objects added in the shopping cart item table at the same time.


  • Just to clarify a little bit. We want something like how the recipients in a request is working but in the request properties, in order to have 2 or more objects added in the shopping cart item table at the same time.


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