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AD provisioning to different OU's in IAM 7

 How can I do the exact same like it was in IAM 6:


Now, on Department > Edit IT operating data, there is no AD Container attribute.

There is also no config parm "TargetSystem\ADS\ADSContainer\ITDataFrom" like it was before.

What is the IAM 7 way to do it now?

  • This is done by AccountDefinitions now.
  • I have account definition for the domain and under active directory > Basic configuration Data > Account definitions , I am able to see my definition. There are departments also under this definition but where or how can I set the respective Active Directory Container OU to a department, there is no attribute on department?
  • We map location to ITOperatingData and provision by location. We are doing it as described below
    •ObjectKeyAppliesTo = XObjectKey of the ADSDomain (or TSBAccountDef) this mapping should be valid for
    •ObjectKeyValue = XObjectKey of the ADSContainer you are referring to
    •UID_DialogColumnTarget = UID of the DialogColumn that should use this value. In our case, the column ADSAccount.UID_ADSContainer.
    •UID_Org = UID of the location (In your case it will be department)

    Hope this helps