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1IM 6.1.2 Web application access issue

Hello the community,

We are facing an access issue on the web application from 0h00 to around 2h30. (1IM v6.1.2)
The property Common\DBScheduler\MaintHourLocal is disabled, so I'm not able to determine the starting point of the maintenance tasks.
Also we have set the recycling task from the IIS servers at 0H00.

Do you know how can I found the root cause ? (recycling from ISS / Maintenance tasks / Both / Other ?)
Also is there any impact if we disabled the recycling tasks from ISS?

Alain K.

  • What is the issue exactly? Is there a message in the browser during this time?

    If you are recycling IIS you should check if the app pools are coming back up in the time frame you mentioned.

    But again, knowing the exact symptoms here would help: is there an error? Is the user simply getting a time out? Etc.

  • What is the issue exactly? Is there a message in the browser during this time?

    If you are recycling IIS you should check if the app pools are coming back up in the time frame you mentioned.

    But again, knowing the exact symptoms here would help: is there an error? Is the user simply getting a time out? Etc.

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