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Extending SAP Connector to read data from HRP1000 and HRP1001

Hi all

I'm currently trying to extend the schema of the SAP connector using a customer specific XML-file in order to retriebe data from HRP1000 (business partners and positions) and HRP1001 (assignments to objects from HRP1000).

This is what my xml looks like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
                        <TABLE Definition = "HRP1000" TableName="HRP1000" Key="OBJID,OTYPE,MANDT" X500="CN,OU,OU" SQL="MANDT EQ sy-mandt and LANGU EQ 'D'" LOAD="">
                        <TABLE Definition = "HRP1001" TableName="HRP1001" Key="OBJID,SOBJID,MANDT" X500="CN,OU,OU" SQL="MANDT EQ sy-mandt and SCLAS EQ 'US'" LOAD="">
                        <SAPExtendedSchematype Bem = "HRP1000" Name = "HRP1000" DisplayPattern = "%OBJID%" ListObjectsDefinition = "HRP1000" ReadObjectDefinition = "HRP1000" InsertObjectDefinition = "" WriteObjectDefinition = "" DeleteObjectDefinition = "" ParentType = "SAPMANDANT" />
                        <SAPExtendedSchematype Bem = "HRP1001" Name = "HRP1001" DisplayPattern = "%OBJID% %SOBJID%" ListObjectsDefinition = "HRP1001" ReadObjectDefinition = "HRP1001" InsertObjectDefinition = "" WriteObjectDefinition = "" DeleteObjectDefinition = "" ParentType = "SAPMANDANT" />

I'm trying to narrow it down to only valid entries (BEGDA less than current date and ENDDA greater than current date) and tried to integrate that into the SQL-part of the table definition by extending it to:

SQL="MANDT EQ sy-mandt and LANGU EQ 'D' and BEGDA LT $DATE$ and ENDDA GR $DATE$" as well as SQL="MANDT EQ sy-mandt and LANGU EQ 'D' and BEGDA LT sy-datum and ENDDA GR sy-datum"

In both cases the same effect happend: instead of getting a list of a couple of hundreds of entries the list remained empty after integrating my XML with the system connection to the SAP mandant.

What am i missing here?

Thanks for any hints

  • Hi Zeresenay

    Long time no read :-)
    Your link did help me out. The table Definition now Looks like this:
    <TABLE Definition = "HRP1000" TableName="HRP1000" Key="OBJID,OTYPE,MANDT" X500="CN,OU,OU" SQL="MANDT EQ sy-mandt and LANGU EQ 'D' and BEGDA &lt;= sy-datum AND ENDDA >= sy-datum" LOAD="">

    And it works like a charm. :-)

    Greatly appreciated
  • Hi Zeresenay

    Long time no read :-)
    Your link did help me out. The table Definition now Looks like this:
    <TABLE Definition = "HRP1000" TableName="HRP1000" Key="OBJID,OTYPE,MANDT" X500="CN,OU,OU" SQL="MANDT EQ sy-mandt and LANGU EQ 'D' and BEGDA &lt;= sy-datum AND ENDDA >= sy-datum" LOAD="">

    And it works like a charm. :-)

    Greatly appreciated
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