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Migration 6.1.1 to 6.1.4 : JobInitQueue Failed


We have migrated our environment from 6.1.1 to 6.1.4.

After the migration (No error message), the job queue doesn't seems to work anymore.

In the log, we have this error message :

2017-11-29 14:42:41 +01:00 - Serious: Last process step request failed with error: '[810023] Error during execution of statement: BEGIN vid_JobInitQueue_0(:queue, :sessionid); END;-->[810143] Database error 20100: VIDatabaseException à "Q1IM.VID_JOBINITQUEUE_0", ligne 37-->[810143] Database error 20101: No server found for the queue \frrecannuad.-->[810143] Database error 20100: VIDatabaseException à "Q1IM.VID_JOBINITQUEUE_0", ligne 37-->[810143] Database error 20101: No server found for the queue \frrecannuad.'!
2017-11-29 14:42:41 +01:00 - Exception occured in DbRequestQueue.Process (thread: Database Job Results): [821002] Error requesting queue '\frrecannuad' for database 'q1im@frrecannudb'. [810023] Error during execution of statement: BEGIN vid_JobInitQueue_0(:queue, :sessionid); END; [810143] Database error 20100: VIDatabaseException à "Q1IM.VID_JOBINITQUEUE_0", ligne 37 [810143] Database error 20101: No server found for the queue \frrecannuad. [810143] Database error 20100: VIDatabaseException à "Q1IM.VID_JOBINITQUEUE_0", ligne 37 [810143] Database error 20101: No server found for the queue \frrecannuad.

We have already checked the "JobService.cfg" and restarted the job service.

Did we miss a step on our migration ? How can we provide the new Session ID ?

Best Regards,


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