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Remove ADSAccount outstanding objects



When we try to delete the outstanding mark from Manager, Manager got frozen while we click on ADSAccount table as we have lots of outstanding objects.


Is there any way by script or sql to delete ADSAccount outstanding objects without using Manager?





  • Hi,

    we ended up creating a maintenance process with a CallMethod component that calls DeleteOutstanding() on the table in question (ADSAccount), with a given WhereClause.

    Although the Manager did not hang up, the WhereClause aspect was crucial to us and missing from the Synchronization interface.

    Also I'm not sure if the Method does the correct thing. It seems that the account deletion was being provisioned (ADS_ADSAccount_Delete got triggered) in our case. Maybe adding connection variable "FULLSYNC" is better.

  • Hi,

    we ended up creating a maintenance process with a CallMethod component that calls DeleteOutstanding() on the table in question (ADSAccount), with a given WhereClause.

    Although the Manager did not hang up, the WhereClause aspect was crucial to us and missing from the Synchronization interface.

    Also I'm not sure if the Method does the correct thing. It seems that the account deletion was being provisioned (ADS_ADSAccount_Delete got triggered) in our case. Maybe adding connection variable "FULLSYNC" is better.

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