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D1IM 7.1.2 Are direct links in Web Portal Manager still supported?


I have a question regarding Web Portal Manager in version 7.1.2. Are direct links to objects like Person, TroubleTicket and so on still supported? In version 6.1.3 we have called them as follows and it has worked successfully:<Key><Table Name="Person" Display="Früh-Klima, Sven (LU14854)" Key="13cb8227-6fb0-4b0a-8dbb-4165a67b3005"><Prop Name="UID_Person"><Value>13cb8227-6fb0-4b0a-8dbb-4165a67b3005</Value></Prop> </Table></Key>&Mode=AlternateObjectKey


In the following you will find the code where we build the link for mail templates.


<BaseObjectTypeAttribute("TroubleTicket")> _
Public Function CCC_BuildITShopLink_For_WebManager(ByVal dbTroubleTicket As ISingleDbObject) As String
    Dim BaseURL As String = Connection.GetConfigParm("Custom\UHD\BaseUrlForWebUHD")
    If BaseURL = "" Or BaseURL = "http://<server>/<App>" Then
        Throw New Exception(#LD("This web interface URL is invalid (configuration parameter '{0}').",   BaseURL)#)
    End If

    Dim alternateObjectKey As AlternateDbObjectKey
    alternateObjectKey = New AlternateDbObjectKey(dbTroubleTicket)

    Return String.Format("{0}/AE.portal?NavigateTo={1}&Mode=AlternateObjectKey", _
        BaseURL, _
        alternateObjectKey.ToXmlString(False).Replace(ControlChars.Quote.ToString(), "'"))
End Function


But since we have migrated to the version 7.1.2 the old Syntax seems to be no longer working, because we are getting an error, when we try to calling the Web Portal Manager with the link given above:


I am grateful for any help!


  • Hi Sven,

    responsible is a change in ASP.Net between 2.0 (used until 6.1) and 4.0 (used since 7.0).
    The check for potentially dangerous URLs is more restrictive and something in our deep links to open a specific object is detected as dangerous in 4.0 which wasn't detected in 2.0.

    With an option in the web.config you can enforce that the old check from version 2.0 is used.

    Responsible is the section "httpRuntime" - there you have to add the additional option requestValidationMode="2.0".
    <httpRuntime maxRequestLength="10240" executionTimeout="300" requestValidationMode="2.0"/>

  • Hi Sven,

    responsible is a change in ASP.Net between 2.0 (used until 6.1) and 4.0 (used since 7.0).
    The check for potentially dangerous URLs is more restrictive and something in our deep links to open a specific object is detected as dangerous in 4.0 which wasn't detected in 2.0.

    With an option in the web.config you can enforce that the old check from version 2.0 is used.

    Responsible is the section "httpRuntime" - there you have to add the additional option requestValidationMode="2.0".
    <httpRuntime maxRequestLength="10240" executionTimeout="300" requestValidationMode="2.0"/>

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