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ISystemObject not defined

I'm getting an error 'ISystemObject not defined' in this line: Dim dbLDAPAcccountEnt as ISystemObject = SystemObject.Connection.QueryObject(SystemQuery .From ("LDAPAccount") _
.Select ("UID_LDAPAccount", "CCC_Affiliation", "CCC_ScopedAffilation") _
.Filter (String.Format("UID_Person='{0}',$UID_Person$)) _

I'm using this in a table script, so I can't add an Imports statement (I don't think). I've tried changing ISystemObject to VI.Projector.Connection.ISystemObject and VI.Projector.ISystemObject, but those aren't working either. Does anyone know where I can find the correct reference? I don't have Visual Studio set up with the libraries yet, so I don't have any intellisense to use. Any suggestions?

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