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6.1.4 - Jobs not being processed (no unenryption configured)

Hello Experts,

I'm looking at an issue in a v6 environment where the jobs are not being processed (They get generated but just sit there in the jobqueue)

In the log, I see the messages repeatedly:


2017-12-21 10:37:39 +01:00 - Warning: Stopped task requests.

2017-12-21 10:37:39 +01:00 - Exception occured in ExecutionSlot (thread: Main Loop):

[821053] Could not decode parameter 'ConnectionString'.

    [809016] The encrypted value cannot be unencrypted. There is no unencryption configured.

           at VI.JobService.ExecutionSlot.Execute(Job job)

           at VI.JobService.ExecutionSlot._DecryptParameters(JobParameters parms)

           ---- Start of Inner Exception ----

           at VI.JobService.ExecutionSlot._DecryptParameters(JobParameters parms)

           at VI.Base.Encryption.NoEncryption.DecryptPartial(String data)

2017-12-21 10:37:39 +01:00 - VI.JobService.JobComponents.ScriptComponent - 6da4277d-7317-4b14-b46a-dd6e6cec8cc6: Errors occured

    [821053] Could not decode parameter 'ConnectionString'.

    [809016] The encrypted value cannot be unencrypted. There is no unencryption configured.

       at VI.JobService.ExecutionSlot.Execute(Job job)

       at VI.JobService.ExecutionSlot._DecryptParameters(JobParameters parms)

       ---- Start of Inner Exception ----

       at VI.JobService.ExecutionSlot._DecryptParameters(JobParameters parms)

       at VI.Base.Encryption.NoEncryption.DecryptPartial(String data)


I'm not sure if the above is causing all jobs not to be processed or just some jobs? Also, how can I debug this? In the service configuration I can see an encryption key file has been supplied...



  • Forgot to mention, when I open the job service log, I see on the top of the page:

    "Processing has been stopped because no private key was supplied". Not sure why that is since a private key file has been supplied in the job service configuration. Any ideas on debugging this?
  • Did you provide the private.key file as well or did you just configured it in the Job service configuration?
  • Hi Markus

    I just see a filename mentioned in the Private Key field in tje job service configuration tool (something like xxxxx.key). I didn't build this environment so I'm not sure if there is actually a file named xxxxx.key which needs to be supplied to some other tool? I'm guessing the DB was encrypted after installation and this xxxx.key is the encryption key, but I'm not sure where to look for it or to verify if it was supplied correctly
  • If the Job Service is complaining about the key, it was probably not supplied correctly.

    The Job Service moves the content of the private.key file into the secret store inside of Windows and removes the private.key file afterward.

    I suggest getting a copy of the private.key file and copy it to the location specified in the configuration and restart the service. You will see a message in the log, that the private.key has been moved to the private container.
  • Ok, thanks Markus - I'll try an get hold of the key

    So it looks like we have 2 issues

    1) Bad Key which leads to errors above ("There is no unencryption configured")
    2) Process steps not being picked up

    Only (2), when I restart the service it promply picks up and processes a few steps, then it stops (Steps stay in "TRUE" state). Could it be because the jobqueue stops because of bad decryption key? Trying to see if (1) and (2) could be related...
  • Also, should the worse happen and the key is lost, is there any way to mark the database as unencrypted?
  • No. You cannot recover the encrypted data without the private key.

    You would need to re-enter every encrypted value after switching to not encrypted.